Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fwd: Pet Health Matters: Celebrate Pet Health Insurance Month with Nala

Hilarious pet insurance claims. The avocado's my fav.

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Date: Sep 14, 2011 10:31 AM
Subject: Pet Health Matters: Celebrate Pet Health Insurance Month with Nala
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September 2011

Dear Cheng Yee,

September is Pet Health Insurance Month!

We'd like to celebrate by sharing three unusual claim stories. They're a good reminder of why it's so important to protect our furry and sometimes accident-prone friends. We also have some ideas to mark this month, as well as a few tips on visiting veterinary specialists.

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Unusual Pet Claim Stories  

Every pet is unique, and so are these stories.* We're happy that we were able to help these pets through these odd incidents.

Knock on the Noggin

Fitzgerald, a spunky Maltese, loved chasing squirrels. That is until the day they got the upper hand. They knocked an avocado out of a tree, which landed square on Fitzgerald's head!

Fitzgerald was out cold, and off to the veterinarian. He was treated for a mild concussion, and is now fine. But the squirrels certainly gave him something to think about.

A Very Hot Jump

Rudy, a Calico cat, showed off his jumping skills by leaping from cabinet to stove. Unfortunately, the ceramic stove top was hot, and his front paw got burned.

The veterinarian wrapped his blistered paw in a bootie, which Rudy did not want to keep on. His paw has since healed, but Rudy still isn't afraid to jump on the appliances.

A Too Happy Tail

Emma is a very happy Yellow Lab who constantly wags her tail. This wouldn't be a problem, except she takes medication that thins her skin, and all that banging caused lacerations.

Even a sad tail couldn't stop Emma from wagging, and the sores wouldn't heal. She eventually had to have her tail shortened, but she's still as happy as ever.

Remember, if your pet ever has a run in with an avocado or jumps into trouble, we'll be there to help with the veterinary bills. Don't miss more stories on our blog about an olive pit eating Yorkie and more.

  Celebrate Pet Health Insurance Month

Pet Health Insurance Month is about celebrating the bond we have with our pets and the importance of protecting them. Here are a few ideas to mark this month.

Spread the Word

Let other pet parents know how pet insurance can help them. You can tell your friends easily right from our website.

Schedule a Check-Up

If your pet hasn't had a yearly physical, set one up with your veterinarian. Routine visits can help prevent future health issues.

Show Some Extra Love

Take a step back from your busy day to spend a little more time playing or cuddling with your pet. It'll be time you can both enjoy!

Need a Specialist?

Our August newsletter had advice on emergency care for your pet. Your pet is also covered for specialists – from dermatologists to cardiologists – as long as they're licensed veterinarians treating covered conditions. Here are a few tips:

  • If you're not sure what kind of specialist might be helpful, your regular veterinarian can be a good resource.

  • Make sure the specialist reviews your pet's medical records and understands the history.

  • Don't hesitate to talk to your veterinarian if you have questions about the specialist's treatment plan.

Keep in mind that we don't require a referral to see a specialist. If you need help finding one, try our Veterinary Locator. You can also learn more about specialists for dogs or for cats at the ASPCA's website.

Rockin' and Running with Team ASPCA

We're ready to run with Team ASPCA in the Dodge Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon on October 30! Team ASPCA is the ASPCA's national endurance training and fundraising program that helps build awareness through events across the country.

The Hartville Group, Inc., which provides ASPCA Pet Health Insurance through its subsidiary Petsmarketing Agency, Inc., is organizing a team to run in the Los Angeles half marathon and raise money for the ASPCA. The ASPCA has set a $1 million fundraising goal for this event, and as their strategic partner, we're committed to running our hearts out to help reach it!

See how you can join in the fun and help our friends at the ASPCA by sponsoring our runners. Also check our blog for updates!

For more information about Team ASPCA, visit

Pet Speak: A Customer's Story*  

When Leanne, our beautiful Shih Tzu, started limping, I took her to our veterinarian who referred Leanne to a specialist. Finally, she was diagnosed with a broken femur bone. Ouch! Luckily, she's now recovering well.

ASCPA Pet Health Insurance really came through covering a large part of her treatment, including the specialist visit. I was also thankful for the compassion, sincerity, and honesty of the representative who helped us with our claim.

— Lisa L., Chapel Hill, N.C.

Share your story!

Conditions discussed in this e-newsletter are not necessarily covered by every ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan. Please review your individual policy for specifics by visiting the Member Center online at or call our customer service line at 1-866-204-6764.

This newsletter is not intended to provide advice on individual pet health or behavioral matters or to substitute for consultation with a veterinary doctor.

*While the above testimonial may include examples of recent claim payouts, reimbursement is subject to the terms and conditions of your plan. Identifying information has been changed.

This is not a complete description of all coverage terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations. Your plan will have a full description of the scope and limitations of coverage. All plans may not be available in all states. Rates and coverage subject to change. Issuance of coverage is subject to underwriting.

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance is underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company and administered by Petsmarketing, Agency, Inc., a subsidiary of the Hartville Group, Inc. The Hartville Group, Inc. is a licensed strategic partner of the ASPCA. In exchange for use of the ASPCA ® trademarks, the ASPCA is paid a royalty fee of up to 10% of the purchase price, with a minimum of $1.95 million to be recognized over at least three years.

© 2011, The Hartville Group, Inc. ASPCA Logo, Copyright 2011, ASPCA®. All Rights Reserved.


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