Monday, January 3, 2011

Recommended Article By Chengyee: I Put A Cell On You

Hi Shabs,
Your friend, Chengyee, has recommended this article entitled 'I Put A Cell On You' to you.

Here is his/her remark:
Omg you're just like this little old lady!

I Put A Cell On You
Posted By admin On December 9, 2010 (2:00 pm) In Customers At The Checkout, Uncategorized

(I have just finished helping out this really nice, elderly lady.)

Customer: "Oh, and do you happen to know the date?"

Me: "I will just look–"

(I start to pull out my mobile phone.)

Customer: *excitedly* "Ooh! You’re pulling out your little magic box!"

Article taken from Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes -
URL to article:

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