Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fw: New voicemail from (818) 292-5311 at 6:08 PM

"You don't seem to have good interpersonal skills."

How true.

From: Google Voice <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 02:10:41 +0000
To: <***>
Subject: New voicemail from (818) 292-5311 at 6:08 PM

Voicemail from: (818) 292-5311 at 6:08 PM
Google Voice
Yes, Hello, This message is for Dana Dana, My name is Shawn and I'm calling in regards to the resume you have posted here on Career Builder. If you get a chance. Some background in finance. You don't seem to have good interpersonal skills. Must have personal looking for right now. I have a business in Burbank that I'm currently expanding and I'm in the process of scheduling interviews. If you're still looking to do. Give me a call back. At (818) 292-5311. That's (818) 292-5311. Look forward to hear from you soon. I have an excellent day.
Play message

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