Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Be Poor for Less in America's Cheapest Town

Be Poor for Less in America's Cheapest Town

DNA Kits Now Used to Track Illicit Dog Crap

DNA Kits Now Used to Track Illicit Dog Crap

Real Housewives of New Jersey: The Unraveling

Real Housewives of New Jersey: The Unraveling: "They think they're saying potent, meaningful things when they say these expressions, because it's all they know. There is no personal discovery in the world, no uncharted emotional journey, because every feeling and acquired bit of wisdom has already been slapped on an apron or lazily printed on a T-shirt somewhere."

A Delightful Skewering of Art School Hipster Pretension

A Delightful Skewering of Art School Hipster Pretension

Meet the Woman Who Sprayed Cops With Her Breast Milk

Meet the Woman Who Sprayed Cops With Her Breast Milk

The First Advertising Campaign Aimed at Monkeys

The First Advertising Campaign Aimed at Monkeys

Happy Client Photos

Happy Client Photos

Fw: What is a moral?

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Online Dating: Sex, Love, and Loneliness : The New Yorker

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

14 Common Myths about the Body, Unraveled - 1 - Health Topics - MSN Health & Fitness

14 Common Myths about the Body, Unraveled - 1 - Health Topics - MSN Health & Fitness

YouTube - The Tennessee Waltz - singer Patti Page 1950

My parents asked me if I heard this song while I was in Knoxville. Wtf. Randomest question ever. Apparently they love this song.

YouTube - The Tennessee Waltz - singer Patti Page 1950

16 Dirty Guy Phrases—Translated

You’ve probably heard the terms “pink taco” and “hiding the sausage”, but that’s just the tip of the lap rocket—er, we mean iceberg—when it comes to the over-the-top (and hilarious) language men use to describe naughty bits and bedroom acts...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Furries Descend on Pittsburgh for Fur Suit Festival

Furries Descend on Pittsburgh for Fur Suit Festival

Here's a Helpful Chart of Global Cocaine Prices

Here's a Helpful Chart of Global Cocaine Prices

Political misquotes: The 10 most famous things never actually said - "I can see Russia from my house!" – Sarah Palin -

Political misquotes: The 10 most famous things never actually said - "I can see Russia from my house!" – Sarah Palin -

Fun fried foods - The Christian Science Monitor -

Fun fried foods - The Christian Science Monitor -

Fried Kool-Aid has people lining up to try it at the fair [VIDEO] -

Fried Kool-Aid has people lining up to try it at the fair [VIDEO] -

Study Reveals Why People Who Grew Up in Cities Are Crazy

Study Reveals Why People Who Grew Up in Cities Are Crazy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Hipster Translator |

Hipster |

7 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Works of Art |

7 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Works of Art |

Michelangelo's David Correctly Oriented

Michelangelo's David Correctly Oriented

"Dr. Pietro Antonio Bernabei of the Careggi hospital in Florence and Prof. Massimo Gulisano, an anatomist at Florence University, recently announced that every detail of the sculpture 'is consistent with the combined effects of fear, tension and aggression,' (Hooper, 2005). According to an interview with Bernabei, everything is 'consistent with a young man 'at the moment immediately preceding the slinging of a stone.'"

Piazza Maggiore in Bologna

Monday, June 20, 2011

Man Busted for Drunken Nude Surgery on Dog - Gawker

Man Busted for Drunken Nude Surgery on Dog - Gawker

YouTube - What American English sounds like to non-English speakers

YouTube - What American English sounds like to non-English speakers

Testimony: Scott West started drug dealing; father helped hide money » Knoxville News Sentinel

Testimony: Scott West started drug dealing; father helped hide money » Knoxville News Sentinel

Mike West sentenced to almost 9 years for drug network » Knoxville News Sentinel

Mike West sentenced to almost 9 years for drug network » Knoxville News Sentinel

TN: Secrecy And Superstition Led New Age Drug Peddler [Archive] - TreatingYourself.COM Online Community

TN: Secrecy And Superstition Led New Age Drug Peddler [Archive] - TreatingYourself.COM Online Community

Roper's Knot Pages - The Noose

Roper's Knot Pages - The Noose

YouTube - How To Hide an Unwanted Erection in School

YouTube - How To Hide an Unwanted Erection in School

Old Bottles

Old Bottles

Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator

Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator

Private eye tells homeless man of inheritance - Yahoo! News

Private eye tells homeless man of inheritance - Yahoo! News

My Ex-Gay Friend -

My Ex-Gay Friend -

For The Onion, Any Pulitzer Prize Will Do -

For The Onion, Any Pulitzer Prize Will Do -

PEEPSHOW at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas | Official Site | Starring Holly Madison

PEEPSHOW at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas | Official Site | Starring Holly Madison

Sunday, June 19, 2011

GreatCall - Official home of Jitterbug, easy-to-use cell phones, award-winning health and wellness apps, and affordable monthly plans

GreatCall - Official home of Jitterbug, easy-to-use cell phones, award-winning health and wellness apps, and affordable monthly plans

Woman's 'Booty-Call Ninja' Scheme Backfires - Gawker

Woman's 'Booty-Call Ninja' Scheme Backfires - Gawker

High School Yearbook Publishes Kiddie Porn by Accident - Gawker

High School Yearbook Publishes Kiddie Porn by Accident - Gawker

Laid-Off Bankers Will Teach You How To Flex - Gawker

Laid-Off Bankers Will Teach You How To Flex - Gawker

Deep-Fried Kool-Aid Balls the Latest Taste Sensation - Gawker

Deep-Fried Kool-Aid Balls the Latest Taste Sensation - Gawker

Cat that barks like a dog until it is caught and meows again. [VIDEO]

Cat that barks like a dog until it is caught and meows again. [VIDEO]

Friday, June 17, 2011

More flowers (Easy to grow)

Borage herb
Calendula aka Pot Marigold
Coreopsis, also called Calliopsis or Tickseed

UT Gardens | Gardening Tips

Choosing and Growing Vines and Climbing Plants

8. Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower, Maypop)

Passionflower, Maypop (Passiflora incarnata)Photo: Courtesy of Shelby Snider. Used with Permission.
There are over 400 varieties of passionflower, most of which are tender tropical evergreens. Passiflora incarnata is a deciduous species that can actually survive a bit of freezing temperature. In fact, it's native to the southeast U.S. It's semi-woody, with large serrated and clings with tendrils. Like its cousins, maypop is prized for its complex and exotic looking flowers. Purple and white flowers15 - 20' (Zones 7+, Can be overwintered indoors)

Southeast Wildflower Seed Mix

Southeast Wildflower Seed Mix

Southeast Wildflower Seed Mix


Leo Patrone Photography Blog: Lauren and Lawrence - NYC...

My dream wedding

Knoxville Native Plants

Doll's eyes Actaea pachypoda
Blue star Amsonia tabernaemontana
Wild columbine
Green dragon
Swamp milkweed
White wood aster
Showy aster
Late purple aster
False goatsbeard
Blue wild indigo
Marsh marigold
Blue cohosh
Pink turtlehead
Whorled tickseed
Wild bleeding heart
Shooting star
Purple coneflower
Wild ageratum
Joe-Pye weed
Wild geranium
Maximillian sunflower
Sharp-lobed hepatica
Blue flag
Dense blazing star
Turks-cap lily
Cardinal flower
Virginia bluebells
Bishop's cap
Phlox maculata
Garden phlox
Jacob's ladder
Solomon's seal
Blackeyed Susan
Fire pink
Rough stemmed goldenrod
Tall ironweed
Bird-foot violet
Long-spurred violet

Maidenhair fern
Ebony spleenwort
Lady fern
Common grape fern
Bulblet fern
Hay–scented fern
Shining club moss
Sensitive fern
Cinnamon fern
Christmas fern
Common woodsia
Chain fern

Unusual and Exotic Houseplant Seeds From Around the World

D5111 Sensitive Plant Mimosa pudica

It’s a - Loldogs, Dogs 'n' Puppy Dog Pictures - I Has A Hotdog!

Your Dog Is Watching You -

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Vintage Photo Blog That's Actually Pretty Cool - Gawker

A Vintage Photo Blog That's Actually Pretty Cool - Gawker

Trashy TV Quotes

  • Who's gonna fix this? Santa?
  • The hip bone is connected to the thigh bone...
  • 'That's not a word.' 'It came out of my mouth, didn't it?'
To be continued!

  • From the Downtown Grill & Bar menu: It's sushi grade tuna, although we ran out of chopsticks so it's not rolled sushi style.